So it's been a while since i made this account and i've still yet to make something i consider satisfactory enough to post here as actual uhhhhh
I guess i might as well fuckin post some updates about my project, use this site to blog my process and all that
really reminds me of my days first posting on deviantart, it's really nostalgic i love it. This place really embodies the spirit of that older creator-driven internet that i just barely got to see
It's a shame it took so long to get to this place, definitely would have rather been on this ship than dA
anyways I'm on storyboarding with my pilot, and once that's done I'm getting my voice actor buddies together and we're recording the dialogue. But to get to that point I gotta storyboard the whole thing. I'm working with a script of 50 pages exactly (minus a post credits scene i'm gonna add later).
I made up this handy little graph
as you may have guessed each storyboard panel represents one page of script and the ones blacked out marked "done" are in fact, done being storyboarded
i also have to develop some sketches for backgrounds and locations while I wait on my voice actor and musician friends to get work done on their ends
and then there's commissions on top of that that I owe people
yeah I'm a busy bee
or mantis in this case
maybe once I have some shit developed enough to post and I'm far enough into this for people to take this project seriously i might think about setting up a patreon
I like their new business model, a lot more appealing for someone like me who's bad at keeping up with things like rewards
if this picks up steam i could sell spots in the series like if you wanted to design a character to show up in the background since we're gonna have a lot of creatures and monsters hanging around
some rich people might pay 1000 dollars to have a character of theirs in a cartoon
honestly I should get some of my artist friends to design background characters and creatures for my cartoon, that might be really fun